Book an Appointment with the Best Pulmonologist Doctor in Kota, Rajasthan


If you are having breathing problems, it becomes very important to consult the right doctor. Pulmonologist Dr Sheetu Singh is considered to be the top Pulmonologist Doctor in Kota, Rajasthan. Since the practice has been in existence for several years and with the right mindset towards her patients she has been able to assist many patients. she is among the most competent pulmonary physicians as far as diagnosing and treating ailments affecting the lungs are concerned.

Based on patients’ feedback, Dr. Sheetu Singh is reliable in providing good care and comprehensive assessments. She is a Pulmonologist Specialist Doctor in Kota and employs high technology to conduct accurate diagnosis. She takes time to develop treatment plans for each patient depending on the condition that is ailing them.

Making an appointment with Dr. Sheetu Singh is quite simple and one does not need to struggle to get an appointment. She runs her clinic in the central business district of the town; therefore, she is a Pulmonologist Specialist Doctor near you in Kota. No matter whether you are an asthma patient suffering from the chronic disease or if you have a sudden respiratory problem, she is the right person to approach.

Do not procrastinate your health care. Consult with Dr. Sheetu Singh and discover how to improve your respiratory state – Book an Appointment Online Now. She is a dedicated and professional doctor, and thus the best Pulmonologist Doctor for Treatment in Kota, Rajasthan.

Symptoms that Need Immediate Best Pulmonologist Doctor for Treatment in Kota, Rajasthan

If you have the below signs, it is crucial to consult with the best Pulmonologist Doctor in Kota, Rajasthan. Lung diseases are preferably treatable in their early stages and therefore early referral makes a huge difference. Now let us look at some of the important symptoms that indicate that you need to see a pulmonologist:

1. You have a chronic cough and it is not showing any signs of letting up

You can suffer from cough due to various reason whether it can be bacterial, viral or fungal. But persistent coughing can be a problem and can also be a sign of cancer.

A competent pulmonary doctor can provide you with an instant opinion and get you on the right track to cure. The sooner you treat the cough, the healthier you will be, so you should definitely go and get it checked out.

2. You become easily breathless with activities that are not very strenuous.

If you easily get out of breath or even during simple activities then it could be that you have a lung problem. It may suggest bronchitis, arrhythmia, allergies, low oxygen level, asthma, pneumonia, congestive heart failure, or cancer.

A pulmonary doctor will then discuss your symptoms and your past medical history and after that you will be advised on the correct ways to breathe again and may be prescribe for some medication to help you breathe properly again. You may also be required to have a scan so that the physician can assess the status of your lungs.

3. You are a long-term smoker:

It alters the lung color from a bright pink color when you are healthy to a dark gray color once you continue smoking. Smoking can damage the sections in your lungs where carbon dioxide and fresh oxygen are exchanged, referred to as the alveoli.

Smoking is identified as a causal factor in as many as 90% of lung cancer cases. A pulmonary doctor who will monitor the state of the smoker’s lungs should be in place for every smoker.

4. You Have Asthma

Asthma is a condition that deals with breathing since your airways are narrowed and it is very hard for you to breathe. It may give you a sore throat, or a cough, or rattle as if something is wrong with your lungs most especially during exercises.

If your asthma is uncontrolled and appears to worsen at some point or is severe sometimes, then it is in your best interest to be affiliated with an experienced pulmonologist.

5. You have breathing problems together with foot or leg swelling.

If you notice that you have shortness of breath or any other related breathing difficulties together with swelling in the ankle, leg or foot, you should consult a lung specialist. 

6. You Get Sleep Apnea Symptoms

You should see your doctor if you have loud snoring, pause breathing during sleep, or have a problem with sleepy during the day. This condition may advance to another level if not treated, which has dangerous health implications. A visit to a Pulmonologist Doctor in Kota is important so that the doctor can examine and recommend the right treatment plan.

Dr Sheetu Singh Pulmonologist Specialist Doctor Near you in Kota

Choose Dr. Sheetu Singh for your respiratory health issues, as she is the top-rated Pulmonologist Specialist Doctor near you in Kota. Dr. Seetu Singh is regarded as the best Pulmonologist Doctor in Kota, Rajasthan, because of her experience and focus on the patient. She has a special interest in managing and treating different lung disorders, which allows her to take a personal approach to patients.

There is no reason for respiratory problems to interfere with quality of life any more than necessary. Do not wait any longer—Book an Appointment with Dr. Sheetu Singh. Her experience can go a long way in helping you manage your lungs efficiently.

Ready to breathe easier? Book an Appointment Online now and come closer to improved respiratory system health with Dr.Sheetu Singh, the best Pulmonologist Specialist Doctor in Kota.

Dr. Sheetu Singh, a nationally renowned pulmonologist, Director ILD & Pulmonary Rehab Clinic, is an expert in chest-related conditions. She got her training from SMS Medical College, Jaipur followed by a visit to Cleveland Clinic, USA.

Contact Info

Address: Mahavir Jaipuriya Rajasthan Hospital Milap Nagar, JLN Marg, Jaipur

Mobile: (+91)-8696666380


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