How to use a Nebulizer


Your doctor has prescribed medication for you to use a nebulizer to inhale because you have asthma, COPD, or another lung condition. A nebulizer is a tiny device that creates a mist from liquid medication. Through a mouthpiece that is connected to the machine, you sit and breathe in. Breathing slowly and deeply for 10 to 15 minutes allows the medication to enter your lungs. This makes inhaling the medication into your lungs fairly simple. You may not need a nebulizer if you have asthma. Inhalers are usually just as effective as pills. However, nebulizers can deliver medicine more efficiently than an inhaler. Your doctor and you can determine if a nebulize is the most effective way to get the medicine you need. It depends on what type of medicine you take and whether you find nebulizers easier to use.

You might not need to use a nebulizer if you have asthma. An inhaler can be used instead and is typically just as effective. However, a nebulizer is more efficient than an inhaler at administering medication. If a nebulizer is the most effective way for you to take your medication, you and your doctor can decide together. Your preference for a nebulizer and the type of medication you take may influence the device you use. The majority of nebulizers are compact and portable. The majority of nebulizers also use air compressors to operate. An ultrasonic nebulizer is a different type that works with sound vibrations. Although more expensive, this type of nebulizer is quieter.

Good nebulization practice:

Nebulization is a popular alternative method for administering medication to the lungs. Other methods include inhalers, oral therapy using tablets, and intravenous therapy. It is primarily used in clinical settings for the long-term treatment of obstructive airway diseases like cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, and acute respiratory ailments.

A nebulizer transforms liquid medication—whether a solution or suspension—into vapor, aerosol or a mist so that the patient can inhale it and receive an effective direct lung delivery. The main goal of nebulization is to make it so that the medication can easily and quickly reach the lungs without the patient having to exert much coordination, which is a problem with handheld devices. As a result, it is the preferred method of medication delivery for those who cannot use handheld inhalers effectively, such as children, the elderly, and patients. Nebulization therapy faces opposition despite being widely accepted and used. So, Lack of knowledge and inaccurate information about the use of nebulizers are frequently to blame for this. Cipla has launched a public initiative known as Good Nebulization Practice, or, simply, GNP, to promote knowledge and the proper use of nebulization therapy. After each use, take care to clean the nebulizer equipment.

Please clean the nebulizer apparatus according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Among some suggested rules are the following:-

  • Disassemble the nebulizer. Wash every component in water and liquid dish soap (apart from the tubing and finger valve). Use water to rinse.
  • Shake off any extra water with a nebulizer after cleaning it.
  • To quickly dry the nebulizer, reattach the nebulizer’s components and tubing to the air compressor. Then, turn on the compressor. Before storing the nebulizer, make sure it is completely dry.


One of the most well-known pulmonologists in India is Dr. Sheetu Singh. She is a well-known specialist who provides the best and most trustworthy care. She provides each patient with top-notch care and attention. Dr Sheetu is recognize as one of the best pulmonologists in India. She has carried out several lung procedures successfully. If you need professional assistance, you can contact Dr. Sheetu Singh, a pulmonology specialist, for it.

Dr. Sheetu Singh, a nationally renowned pulmonologist, Director ILD & Pulmonary Rehab Clinic, is an expert in chest-related conditions. She got her training from SMS Medical College, Jaipur followed by a visit to Cleveland Clinic, USA.

Contact Info

Address: Mahavir Jaipuriya Rajasthan Hospital Milap Nagar, JLN Marg, Jaipur

Mobile: (+91)-8696666380


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