How to Keep Your Lungs Healthy from Diwali Pollution


People celebrating Diwali this year, free from any restrictions, are probably going to be very excited after COVID and a protracted lockdown. They can’t wait to celebrate Diwali in grand style with their loved ones, but every year there’s another added bonus: pollution. Every year, the government gives numerous instructions to all states, but many of them are not followed correctly, and as a result, people suffer from a variety of health problems as a result of the pollution caused by firecrackers during Diwali. A cloud of thick smoke that comes with crackers can be seen for a long time post Diwali and it can have adverse effects on lung health.

Dr. Sheetu Singh, a renowned pulmonologist, offers valuable guidance on keeping your lungs healthy during Diwali, a time when air pollution often peaks. It’s critical to take preventative action due to the rise in pollution and dangerous toxins from pyrotechnics. Dr. Sheetu Singh recommends utilizing N95 masks when going outside and limiting outdoor activities, particularly for people with pre-existing respiratory disorders. Keeping your home air clean with air purifiers and using natural ventilation when pollution levels are low is also crucial.

How Much Do Fireworks and Firecrackers Contribute to Air Pollution During Diwali?

In addition to contributing to the Diwali pollution that many people experience as a result of lung infections, the popping of firecrackers during the festival also degrades the quality of the air. It can have a variety of detrimental impacts on health, particularly for those who already have lung disorders or diseases. There are many reasons, like Diwali crackers, exhaust emissions of vehicles, crop burning, and weather patterns that contribute to air pollution during Diwali.

According to experts, many regions of India regularly experience a decline in air quality before Diwali. To reduce the negative impacts of firecrackers during Diwali, the government forbids and fines the usage of crackers. The chemicals in crackers have the potential to both aggravate and develop new diseases in persons who already have pre-existing medical conditions. Among the substances found in Diwali crackers are:

  • Copper: It irritates the respiratory.
  • Cadmium: It is responsible for fume, fever, and vomiting.
  • Lead: It directly affects the nervous system.
  • Magnesium: It is the main reason that breathing in magnesium fumes causes fume fever.
  • Sodium: It is an extremely reactive element that, when exposed to air, can burn or cut people.

What are the Effects of Air Pollution on Health?

Controlling air pollution during Diwali is very important for health. To control the condition, interior and outdoor air pollution levels need to be monitored and managed. Indoor and outdoor air pollution can have the following health effects:

Indoor Air Pollution

Everyone needs to be aware that indoor air pollution is more harmful to their lungs and that the only way to lessen it is to use an air purifier during Diwali to protect themselves from its negative effects.

  • Indoor air pollution can lead to Asbestos growth, a severe air pollution that can cause health problems such as Asbestosis, lung cancer, and Mesothelioma. It can also be a cause of various other types of cancer.
  • In addition, animal dander, dust mites, and several other microorganisms that are the main cause of asthma symptoms, throat irritation, etc. are brought on by indoor air pollution.
  • Lead fume pollution, which is extremely dangerous and can cause fatal allergic reactions as well as irritation of the eyes, throat, and nose, is also a result of indoor air pollution.
  • Many homes have one common air pollution source, tobacco smoke, which leads to pneumonia, respiratory irritation, lung cancer, heart disease, and Bronchitis.

Outdoor Air Pollution

Every year during Diwali, the quality of the outside air deteriorates, posing a threat to the health and welfare of all those in its path. This outdoor air pollution is a major cause of numerous health problems;

  • It increases the risk of lung cancer, acute respiratory disease, and heart stroke.
  • It produces smog, or fog combined with air contaminants, which impairs lung function and inflames the respiratory system.
  • During Diwali, the most common problems everyone faces are coughing and wheezing.
  • Elevated air pollution levels harm the reproductive, endocrine, and immunological systems.

How can you improve lung health if you have a lung condition?

Fireworks during Diwali might exacerbate any respiratory condition you may already have, such as a lung infection. Diwali pollution can aggravate your lungs and cause symptoms. We usually ignore lung health, and when we experience breathing problems, we start caring for them. Lungs need to be taken care of and attended to, much like other organs. To have stronger lungs, everyone merely tries to adhere to a few rules. Because you can’t use your lungs to their maximum potential with everyday exercise, you need to push your lungs with more strenuous activities. Individuals who suffer from lung ailments need to practice lung strengthening exercises in order to maintain their health around Diwali. The following are some simple methods to help your lungs function better and help you remain well this Diwali:

  • Diaphragmatic Breathing

Experts suggest easy breathing practices as one of the numerous strategies to enhance lung health. These techniques can be used by people with lung infections as well as any other lung-related illnesses, such as chronic bronchitis, asthma, and emphysema. People who are healthy can also follow these techniques as they will benefit them a lot.

  • Simple Breathing Technique

It is an additional means of approaching maximal capacity, and having stronger lungs is ideal. As soon as you begin breathing gently, your diaphragm descends and your belly expands. Then you allow your ribs to grow and make them float open like wings.

  • Counting Breaths

You should try this method if you want to increase your lung capacity and protect your health from Diwali pollution. To find out how long a typical breath takes, start counting your breaths. If it takes to count five to inhale, it should also count five to exhale.

  • Staying Hydrated

As drinking adequate water is necessary for the body’s overall health, including the lungs, it is also crucial for lung health. Drinking fluids throughout the day will help you maintain the lungs’ mucosal linings, which will improve lung function. Also, try to laugh loud, as it is one of the best ways to strengthen your lungs.

  • Quit Smoking

Smoking damages the lungs, therefore you should give it up to prevent lung infections. It also increases the risk of COPD and lung cancer. The main cause of long-term lung inflammation, which can impair breathing and damage lung tissue, is smoking.


How does Diwali pollution affect the lungs?

Diwali pollution raises the levels of hazardous particulate matter and poisonous chemicals in the atmosphere, mostly due to firecrackers. These pollutants can irritate the respiratory tract, leading to wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath, and can aggravate conditions like Bronchitis, Asthma, and COPD.

What can I do to reduce my exposure to pollution during Diwali?

Use air purifiers, close windows, stay indoors during hours of high pollution, and refrain from setting off firecrackers to minimize exposure. Wearing an N95 mask can help reduce outdoor activities and filter hazardous particles when you must go outside, especially in places where there is a lot of smoke.

Are there any foods that can help protect my lungs during Diwali?

Yes, eating foods high in antioxidants, such as nuts, seeds, broccoli, spinach, oranges, and apples, can help prevent oxidative stress brought on by air pollution. Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and Omega-3 fatty acids are especially beneficial for lung health.

How do air purifiers help in protecting lung health?

By removing allergens and dangerous particles from indoor air, air purifiers contribute to a healthier breathing environment. PM2.5, a type of tiny particle that is common during Diwali, can be effectively trapped using high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters.

Can breathing exercises help improve lung function during pollution?

Yes, breathing exercises such as Pranayama, Diaphragmatic breathing, and deep breathing can improve lung capacity and efficiency. By strengthening the respiratory muscles, lowering stress levels, and clearing the lungs, these workouts help people better handle the irritation that comes with pollution.

Dr. Sheetu Singh, a nationally renowned pulmonologist, Director ILD & Pulmonary Rehab Clinic, is an expert in chest-related conditions. She got her training from SMS Medical College, Jaipur followed by a visit to Cleveland Clinic, USA.

Contact Info

Address: Mahavir Jaipuriya Rajasthan Hospital Milap Nagar, JLN Marg, Jaipur

Mobile: (+91)-8696666380


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