Celebrating Doctors DAY 2024: From Stethoscopes to Saving Lives


Doctor’s Day is a unique occasion that is observed globally on different dates in many nations. It falls on July 1st in India. In India, a single person inspired the creation of their national version of Doctor’s Day. One of the most renowned and well-respected physicians in India went by the name of Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy. Every year on July 1, millions of medical professionals, patients, and organizations are honored as we celebrate this amazing man’s life and accomplishments. Observed since 1991, the day serves as an opportunity to recognize the tireless efforts, dedication, and sacrifices of doctors who strive to improve public health and save lives. It also promotes gratitude and respect for the medical community by highlighting the moral and professional norms of medical practice.

On Doctors Day 2024, Dr. Sheetu Singh, a renowned pulmonologist, emerges as an inspirational guide and advocate for the medical community. She has gained the respect and admiration of both peers and patients for her vast knowledge and expertise in respiratory medicine. Her dedication to patient care, coupled with her commitment to research, and medical education, exemplifies the ideal qualities celebrated on this day.

She is a persistent advocate for respiratory health and a motivator for other medical professionals to maintain the best levels of care.

Doctor’s Day Timeline

  • 1882 (A Doctor is Born): July 1st is Bidhan Chandra Roy’s birthday in Patna, Bengal Presidency, British India.
  • 1901 (Becoming Great): Roy enrolls at the Calcutta Medical College and departs for England to continue his education after receiving his degree.
  • 1925 (From Medicine to Politics): Dr. Roy becomes the chief minister of West Bengal following India’s newly gained independence. 
  • 1926 (Women and Children Come First): The Chittaranjan Seva Sadan, a unique hospital for women and children, was founded by Dr. Roy. 
  • 1961( Greatness Rewarded): A year before his death, Dr. Roy received the highest civilian honor in the Republic of India, the Bharat Ratna.
  • 1991 (Forever Remembered): In honor of Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy, India observes the first-ever Doctor’s Day.

How To Observe Doctor’s Day in India

  • Tell Your Kids or Your Friends About Dr. Roy

To celebrate Doctor’s Day, sharing the amazing story of Dr. Roy’s life is a truly great idea. Talk about him with your loved ones, recount his life story, enumerate his accomplishments, the things he did for women and children, and how he collaborated with political figures to push for universal healthcare. You can also track down some video content to teach in class if you are a teacher.

  • Take Flowers To Your Local Hospital

Add some flowers and toys for the kids, and you’ll not only bring some cheer to the sometimes gloomy hospital environment, but you’ll also be honoring and supporting the medical staff who tend to the sick and injured. Acts of kindness like that have an everlasting impact on people. It could mean the world to a doctor to do something small to make a patient’s day better or to add a little color to their own.

  • Write a Letter of Thanks To Your Doctor

Everybody has a doctor that they always go to when they need guidance or medical attention. We owe it to these doctors—who support us through our lowest points—to express our genuine gratitude. Thank your doctor in writing for helping you get through difficult times and for always being there to make you feel better.

Why Doctor’s Day is Important in India

  • Studying Medicine is Encouraged

Special days like Doctor’s Day that recognize specific professions and businesses might have an impact on young people who are trying to figure out what their mission in life is. Nowadays, numerous colleges across the world offer medical courses, making studying medicine much more accessible than it was in the past. We love the way that this unique day inspires youth to think about pursuing careers in medicine.

  • The Life of a Great Man is Honored

India celebrates Doctor’s Day annually, a time to pay tribute to the nation’s most significant and powerful physician, Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy. These festivities honor his legacy and encourage a great number of individuals to pursue bolder, more meaningful lives. He was an amazing individual who accomplished a great deal to improve healthcare in India. 

  • Advancements in the Medical Field are Celebrated

On Doctor’s Day in India, we do highlight the life of a specific medical expert, but we also highlight the amazing advances in surgical methods and medicine. It should be acknowledged that India is among the world’s leaders in medical innovation and technology. India has transformed the way surgeons work on our bodies and treat patients; it is much more than just a country with a sizable population.

5 Important Facts You May Know About Doctors 

  • They Work Incredibly Hard : Some doctors work up to 60 hours a week, and 64% of doctors report working overtime.
  • The First Hospital Was in Sri Lanka: The earliest known hospital with physicians treating the sick dates back to 500 B.C. in Sri Lanka.
  • Becoming a Doctor is Expensive: A newly graduated medical student’s average debt in 2012 was $170,000, the majority of which came from their four years of medical school.
  • The First Female Graduated in the 1800s: The first female medical school graduate in American history, Elizabeth Blackwell also founded the nation’s first women’s medical school.
  • Indian Doctors are Very Advanced: The surgical methods used by Indian doctors in the past were especially sophisticated and included the excision of tumors, bladder stones, and even cataracts.

What is Doctor’s Day in India?

Doctor’s Day in India is celebrated annually on July 1st to honor the contributions of physicians and their role in society.

Why is Doctor’s Day celebrated on July 1st in India?

In India, July 1st is observed as Doctors’ Day to honor the birth anniversary of renowned physician and West Bengal’s second chief minister, Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy.

How is Doctor’s Day celebrated in India?

Doctor’s Day is celebrated in various ways, including felicitations, seminars, award ceremonies, and public events to acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of doctors.

Are there any traditional practices associated with Doctor’s Day?

Celebrating doctors on this day usually includes rituals wherein physicians are acknowledged for their services to healthcare, albeit there are no particular customs associated with it.

Is Doctor’s Day celebrated only in India?

No, Doctor’s Day is celebrated in various countries around the world., although the dates may differ. It is a worldwide event honoring the vital roles that physicians play in society.

Dr. Sheetu Singh, a nationally renowned pulmonologist, Director ILD & Pulmonary Rehab Clinic, is an expert in chest-related conditions. She got her training from SMS Medical College, Jaipur followed by a visit to Cleveland Clinic, USA.

Contact Info

Address: Mahavir Jaipuriya Rajasthan Hospital Milap Nagar, JLN Marg, Jaipur

Mobile: (+91)-8696666380

Email-Id: sheetusingh@yahoo.co.in

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