Best Doctor for Asthma Treatment in India – Dr Sheetu Singh


Asthma is a chronic lung disease affecting people of all ages. Breathing becomes more difficult as a result of inflammation and muscular stiffness around the airways. Symptoms can include wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. These symptoms can be mild or severe and can go and come over time. Even though asthma can be a serious condition, the appropriate management can help. People with asthma symptoms should consult a medical expert. Dr. Sheetu Singh is the best doctor for Asthma treatment in India.

With a comprehensive approach that includes education on triggers, lifestyle modifications, and long-term maintenance medications, asthma attack treatment India aims to empower individuals in managing their condition effectively. The management and treatment of acute asthma exacerbations are issues that the Indian medical community is well-versed in. Dr. Sheetu Singh allergy Asthma specialist doctor in India.

Long-term control and prevention are key to stopping asthma attacks before they start. The typical course of treatment entails identifying your triggers, taking precautions to avoid them, and monitoring your breathing to ensure that your drugs are controlling your symptoms. Types of long-term control medications include inhaled corticosteroids, leukotriene modifiers, combination inhalers, and theophylline.

Quick-Relief Treatment of Asthma in Adults

Several people, who treat an asthma attack involve using a quick-relief medicine. People can treat adult-onset asthma with a combination of lifestyle changes and medication. The treatment of asthma in adults involves a comprehensive approach that focuses on controlling symptoms, reducing inflammation, and preventing future exacerbations. The use of pharmaceuticals, such as bronchodilators and anti-inflammatory agents, is the cornerstone of asthma treatment. Dr. Sheetu Singh is a best doctor for Asthma treatment in India.

Short-acting bronchodilators provide quick relief during acute symptoms, while long-acting bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroids help maintain asthma control daily. Additional drugs such as leukotriene modifiers, immunomodulators, or biologics may be administered to people with more severe or uncontrolled asthma.

The management of asthma must be closely monitored, lung function must be evaluated, and treatment programs must be modified as needed.  By employing a personalized and proactive approach, the treatment of asthma in adults aims to minimize symptoms, improve quality of life, and reduce the risk of asthma attacks.

Treatment of Asthma in Pregnancy- Dr. Sheetu Singh

Short-acting bronchodilators rapidly relieve asthma symptoms by relaxing the airways. They include levalbuterol (Xopenex), and Albuterol (Proventil, Ventolin). These short-acting bronchodilators appear to be safe during pregnancy. Asthma is a common comorbidity during pregnancy and is becoming more common in the general population. Up to 45% of pregnant women need to seek medical attention due to exacerbations, which has a negative impact on both mothers and their unborn children by increasing the risk of low birth weight and preterm delivery.

For parents-to-be, pregnancy is such a joyous and precious time. However, women with asthma who are expecting may be concerned about how their condition would affect the unborn child. The goals of effective asthma management in pregnancy are to maintain the best possible asthma control and prevent exacerbations. Treatment modification utilizing the exhaled nitric oxide fraction, a measure of eosinophilic lung inflammation, has been effective in lowering exacerbations during pregnancy. Dr. Sheetu Singh is an expert doctor for Asthma treatment in India.

Within three months of giving birth, the majority of asthmatics whose symptoms alter in any way while pregnant will resume their pre-pregnancy state. If someone’s Asthma symptoms increase or decrease during one pregnancy, you may be likely to experience the same thing in later pregnancies.

Severe Permanent Treatment for Asthma

Asthma is a highly treatable disease, but there is no permanent cure for asthma at present. Even though asthma is a permanent illness, a healthy life is still achievable. You can reduce the effects of asthma by using appropriate therapies and modifying your lifestyle. Although some asthma medications come in pill form, the majority of asthma medications are breathed in using inhalers or nebulizers. Since the medication is delivered directly to the Airways, inhalers are the best first treatment for an asthma attack.

The best for Asthma depends on the severity and symptoms. There are two primary forms of asthma treatments: short-term drugs provided based on the severity of the asthma, or long-term therapies. Quick relief-asthma medicines are short-term medications for symptoms like tightening of the chest, shortness of breath, or wheezing, whereas long-term medications are given to prevent a future attack. If you are looking for an experienced doctor for Asthma treatment in India, then concern Dr. Sheetu Singh is a highly skilled doctor for Asthma treatment in India.

Best Hospital For Asthma Treatment In India

India is home to several renowned hospitals that provide exceptional care and treatment for asthma patients. Rajasthan Hospital is one of the best hospitals for asthma treatment in India and is known for its expertise in respiratory medicine and its state-of-the-art facilities. Dr. Sheetu Singh is considered one of the best & top doctors for Asthma treatment in India.

Rajasthan Hospital boasts a team of highly skilled pulmonologists, allergists, and respiratory therapists who specialize in diagnosing and managing asthma. The hospital has been equipped with cutting-edge technologies, such as bronchoscopy suites and pulmonary function testing equipment, to enable precise diagnosis and efficient treatment.

Dr. Sheetu Singh, a nationally renowned pulmonologist, Director ILD & Pulmonary Rehab Clinic, is an expert in chest-related conditions. She got her training from SMS Medical College, Jaipur followed by a visit to Cleveland Clinic, USA.

Contact Info

Address: Mahavir Jaipuriya Rajasthan Hospital Milap Nagar, JLN Marg, Jaipur

Mobile: (+91)-8696666380


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