World Lung Day 2024: A Call to Action for Cleaner Air


World Lung Day is a dedicated global awareness and action towards better lung health observed on September 25th, every year, globally to celebrate the most recent achievements in lung health. On this day, several national and international organizations came together to launch lung healthcare campaigns around the globe in an effort to raise awareness of the value of having healthy lungs and ending lung illness once and for all. In addition, this day celebrates the improvements made to prevent severe respiratory diseases. However, to reach healthy lungs and a world free from lung disease, several issues still need to be resolved.

Dr. Sheetu Singh, a renowned pulmonologist and advocate for respiratory health, offers invaluable guidance as we observe World Lung Day 2024. Her vast knowledge of pulmonary medicine allows her to highlight how crucial it is to identify lung problems early and take preventative measures. On this significant day, she emphasizes attention to the importance of raising public knowledge of respiratory disorders, the effects of air pollution, and the advantages of leading a healthier lifestyle.

Dr. Sheetu Singh continuous efforts to inform communities, fund research, and advocate for efficient treatment alternatives are evidence of her dedication to improving lung health. As we mark World Lung Day, she encourages everyone to be proactive in protecting their lung health and to back programs that work to raise respiratory wellness standards around the world.

The Theme for World Lung Day 2024

The theme for World Lung Day 2024 is “Clean Air and Healthy Lungs for All”

History of World Lung Day 

The concept for World Lung Day (WLD) was initially conceived at the 2016 FIRS Kyoto Assembly, which Michiaki Mishima, the President of FIRS, hosted. The group of international respiratory societies working together to improve lung health globally is called the Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS). About 100,000 people belong to the FIRS organization, which unites and collaborates with other international organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) to improve lung health globally.

Importance of World Lung Day 

The human body’s vital organs for exchanging gases, the lungs, are becoming more and more vulnerable to several threats, including smoking, pollution, respiratory infections, and other conditions. All countries are susceptible to respiratory illnesses, but low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are disproportionately affected since these nations have fewer resources available for research, management, and prevention. Owing to continuous exposure to airborne chemicals, particles, and infectious organisms, the lung is extremely susceptible to harm and infection from external environmental causes. At least 200 crore people worldwide are exposed to the poisonous smoke of biomass fuel, which is typically burned in poorly ventilated interior stoves or fireplaces; 100 crore are exposed to outdoor air pollution, and 100 crore are exposed to tobacco smoke.

Five respiratory diseases are the most typical causes of sickness and death worldwide such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Asthma, acute respiratory tract infection, lung cancer, and tuberculosis (TB). These respiratory disorders, which are made worse by smoking, air pollution, and climate change, are more common in low- to middle-income nations. Asthma is the most common long-term disease in children, affecting about 14% of them, and its occurrence in children is rising. Tuberculosis is the deadliest infectious disease, with 1.04 crore cases and 14 lakh losses (deaths) annually. Lung cancer is the most common deadly neoplasm globally, and its numbers are rising. Over 6.5 lakh people worldwide suffer from COPD, the third leading cause of death.

Prevention of Lung Disease 

By identifying and treating the underlying cause as soon as possible and putting the following preventative measures into practice, lung illnesses can be avoided:

  • Eating a Healthy Diet.
  • Abstaining Smoking.
  • Avoiding Second-Hand Smoke.
  • Avoiding Exposure to air pollutants and certain chemicals.
  • Being physically active.
  • Taking vaccines.
  • Getting regular checkups.

Say No To Tobacco 

Tobacco causes 8 million deaths every year and is the main cause of many lung diseases. More than 4,000 chemicals, many of which are harmful and carcinogenic, are found in tobacco smoke. The best thing you can do for your general health and lung health is to give up smoking. While not entirely, giving up tobacco use can help repair some of the lung damage caused by tobacco smoke. Therefore, early cessation is crucial to avoiding the development of chronic lung disease, which once established cannot be reversed. The benefits of quitting tobacco are almost immediate.

  • Your heart rate decreases in as little as twenty minutes after stopping smoking.
  • Within 12 hours, the carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal.
  • Your lung function improves and circulation gets better in a span of two to twelve weeks.
  • Coughing and dyspnea subside after a period of 1 to 9 months.
  • Your stroke risk drops to that of a non-smoker in five to fifteen years.
  • Within 10 years, your lung cancer death rate is about half that of a smoker.
  • You will have the same risk of heart disease in 15 years as a non-smoker.

What is World Lung Day?

Every year on September 25, the world observes World Lung Day to promote respiratory illness prevention, increase awareness of lung health, and emphasize the negative effects of air pollution on respiratory health. It aims to educate the public about lung diseases and advocate for better lung health policies and practices.

What is the Theme for World Lung Day 2024?

The theme for World Lung Day 2024 is “Clean Air and Healthy Lungs for All”. 

Why is World Lung Day important?

The purpose of World Lung Day is to raise awareness of the lung diseases that affect people worldwide, such as lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and Asthma. It emphasizes the importance of healthy lives and clean air in preventing respiratory infections and stresses the need for awareness, early diagnosis, and effective treatments.

How can I participate in World Lung Day?

By taking part in events raising awareness, posting content on social media, and contributing to lung health efforts, you can take part in World Lung Day. Additionally, you can take personal actions to enhance the health of your lungs, like quitting smoking, limiting your exposure to air pollution, and maintaining proper respiratory hygiene.

What are some common lung diseases highlighted on World Lung Day?

On World Lung Day, lung disorders such as lung cancer, TB, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are often highlighted. By making the appropriate lifestyle decisions and actions, these illnesses can frequently be prevented and have a substantial negative influence on quality of life.

Dr. Sheetu Singh, a nationally renowned pulmonologist, Director ILD & Pulmonary Rehab Clinic, is an expert in chest-related conditions. She got her training from SMS Medical College, Jaipur followed by a visit to Cleveland Clinic, USA.

Contact Info

Address: Mahavir Jaipuriya Rajasthan Hospital Milap Nagar, JLN Marg, Jaipur

Mobile: (+91)-8696666380


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